Friday 17 February 2017

Easiest Prawns Fry !!

Hello People!!

Hope you all are doing good.

Prawns - no guts, no spine and a head full of @#$t. Still, we all love them (unless you are among the unfortunate ones who are allergic to them or god forbid - a vegan!! ;). 

I am yet to come across people who do not like prawns, unless, you are among those mentioned above. Now, out of the ones who are not allergic / vegan, prawns tend to transcend the boundaries for all and figure in everyone's menu.

Prawns is one seafood which is used commonly across countries.  They come in various sizes and my personal favourite is the smallest. The smaller, the better for me. During my childhood in Kerala, I remember the delicious, mouth watering dishes, we used to have, with great fondness. During the rainy season, my cousins and me would fish tiny prawns from the water canal and whenever, we would be able to get a lot of them, my aunt would fry them for us.

In Kerala, prawns agriculture is very common and you find even small towns having prawns factories, especially in the malabar area.  It is a common participant in the culinary habits of most Keralites on a day to day basis, be it in the form of prawns curry / prawns pickle / prawns fry etc.

Sharing one of my favourite and easiest recipes for a rendezvous between this crustacean and our stomach :). Hope you like it.

Ingredients are:

1) Prawns (medium sized)- 15 p/cs
2) Chilly powder - 1/2 tablespoon
3) Turmeric powder - Pinch of powder
4) Lemon juice - Half of a medium sized lemon
5) Curry Leaves - 10 leaves
6) Salt - Add to taste

Marinate Prawns with salt (as per your taste), chilli power, turmeric, lemon juice and curry leaves. Wait for 30 mins.  Then fry it along with the curry leaves, with whichever oil you prefer. I generally use coconut oil. I used a flat pan to fry it, but you can barbeque or grill it also.

Till next time!

Take Care,

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