Tuesday 21 February 2017

Beetroot Raita/Beetroot and Curd Healthy Recipe

Hello People, 

Hope you all are doing good!!

Each of us has some or the other delicacy that we relish forever, and just the thought of the dish, will bring vivid memories of the taste, lingering there for longer than the thought that provoked it.

I had been to pune few years back in connection with the recruitment process for the organization that I was working for.  It was a two day program in a campus.  Even though it was part of work, for me it was like a joy trip. The reason being, this was the first time I was travelling so far, without parents !! People who had strict folks might be able to relate to the euphoria I was experiencing :).  Every day, after work we would rush to some nice restaurants and gorge ourselves.

The campus was enormous and recruitment was taxing given the scope of recruitment that we were supposed to accomplish. The staff at the campus were very cooperative and helped make the whole experience much more easier. They took good care of us, making sure we were never lacking for anything. What stood out for us, was the effort that they took to make sure we got amazing food while we were at the campus. The college had a decent canteen facility, but they arranged for homemade food for all of us!! For me someone taking an effort to cook a good meal makes me feel very special and affectionate. 

It was lunch time and we were generally discussing and having our food.  Thats when I saw a dark pinkish coloured dish. I had never seen this dish and had no idea what it was made of, so I initially thought of giving it a pass. Then I see my colleagues having it again and again and relishing it, so I think why not give it a shot and I loved it !!!. I just couldn't stop once I started.  I didn't know the name of the dish then and I do not know it now, but I tried my best to get the taste as similar to it as possible. 

The recipe is here

1)  Beetroot half (medium size)
2)  One cup curd
3)  Green chilly 1 or two
4)  Black salt pinch (optional)
5)  Coriander leaves.
6)  Salt.

Add grated beetroot, chopped green chilly, coriander leaves and black salt and salt to curd and mix it well. Aaand its ready!! As simple as that :)

Instead of having curd / raita with your meal you can have this for a change or when you have guest coming this is one quick, interesting addition to the menu.

Will see you soon with a new recipe and experiences and I look forward to hear from you about the dishes that you relish about.  Any thoughts/comments on any of the dishes, please go ahead and comment below. Till then..

Take care

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